broken-heartHere’s how I would handle this sad thing if I let my emotions rule:
Watch movies.
Eat donuts.

Here’s how I have been actually handling this sad thing:
Going for walks, while crying. Like literally walking down the street crying. Still with a band-aid on my chin. It’s quite the image, huh? (#hotmessminusthehot)
Reading business books. Because what cheers someone up more than a hearty dose of marketing?
Eating donuts.
Eating ice cream.140521-191722
Drinking smoothies.
Drinking tea.
Brainstorming my holiday e-devotional topics.
Reading Psalms of lament. Yes, I actually Googled “what are the Psalms of Lament?”. Because, yes, I am lamenting.
Listening to social media podcasts.
Texting my friends with relationship questions, while crying.
Making dinner.
Creating a new Facebook group for women who are in seasons of pain.
Resting my head on my laptop.
Missing him.
Creating a new one-day retreat for women who are in seasons of pain.
Writing four blog posts.
Thinking of things I want to tell him than having to stop myself.
Decathecting left and right.  Yuck.  (In case you don’t know what that means, basically, analyzing everything that I did wrong. Well, that’s my definition of the word. My mentor even said, “Maybe you need a break from analyzing.” Has she just met me???)

Here’s how I wish I were handling this sad thing:
Laying my questions at Jesus’ feet, knowing I don’t have to know the answers and probably never will. (Though I’m trying.)
Being kinder to myself than I am being.

This is not the end of the world. I’m only a few days out. I will be okay. I’m just not okay today. And that’s normal, because getting over a good man is hard. And so right now, I’m showing myself grace. Lots and lots of grace.

The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart. –Psalm 34:18a


If this post encouraged you, you would benefit from “Unraveling: Hanging onto Faith through the End of a Christian Marriage”, found here or “Living through Divorce as a Christian Woman”, found here.

Life isn't always how we want it. When change seems elusive, and we're stuck in old routines, a gentle push or some self-reflection can make a difference. Let these questions be that nudge to get you moving.

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