Line in the Sand

Line in the Sand

I have not escaped the notice of Jesus. I may be escaping the notice of many many people (and that's truly okay), but I will never escape the notice of Jesus. (And neither will you, by the way.)

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The Committee in My Head

The Committee in My Head

The committee that lives in my head is made up almost entirely of people who are not in my daily life, who do not know my heart or life, and who have at times said very cruel things to me.

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How I Landed in a 12-Step Group

How I Landed in a 12-Step Group

You may not feel like the one with the problem, but there is support for you.

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Becoming Wholehearted

Becoming Wholehearted

I'm sharing all the things that I do to take care of myself spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, and relationally.

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Saying What She Needs to Hear (Not What She WANTS to Hear)

Saying What She Needs to Hear (Not What She WANTS to Hear)

“Say the things (to your client) that no one else is saying to her.” But I don’t want to. I want to just tell her she’s amazing and to keep going and Jesus loves her and I think she's cute.

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Just When I Thought This Was It, Something Changed

Just When I Thought This Was It, Something Changed

If I can change, you can change. If I can get unstuck, you can get unstuck. If I can heal more, you can heal more. But alas, it’s not going to be by doing the same things you’ve been doing. I tried A BUNCH OF NEW THINGS. I sort of jumped off an emotional cliff. And if you need to change…if you want to change…you’re going to have to jump too.

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