I wish there were a thing…a word…a concept…where when you were in a relationship with someone for a time and something went badly and it ended but you have forgiven (and you have hopefully been forgiven, but this is not up to you) and yet you both move on with your lives without the other in it…without shame that you’re a bad Christian for not wanting to still be in relationship with the person who has hurt you.
Continue readingI have not escaped the notice of Jesus. I may be escaping the notice of many many people (and that's truly okay), but I will never escape the notice of Jesus. (And neither will you, by the way.)
Continue readingThe committee that lives in my head is made up almost entirely of people who are not in my daily life, who do not know my heart or life, and who have at times said very cruel things to me.
Continue readingYou may not feel like the one with the problem, but there is support for you.
Continue readingI'm sharing all the things that I do to take care of myself spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, and relationally.
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