No matter how much pain you're in, you can handle yourself with dignity through your divorce.
Continue readingAre you, sweet girl deep down inside, currently a crazy ex-girlfriend? Or are you, dear woman whose heart is breaking, currently a bitter ex-wife?
Continue readingI am so deeply sorry. I am so sorry that your marriage is ending. I am so sorry that your husband mistreated you. This is awful. This is the worst. This completely sucks. You are allowed to feel every single bad feeling you are feeling. There is no shame. In fact, denying or stuffing what you’re really feeling will only serve to cause you physical harm and will come out in other ways at other people at inappropriate times. You are going to be okay. You don’t think you will be but you will be.
Continue readingQuestion: How do you stop obsessing about what your ex-husband is doing with his life? How do you detach from someone that you were literally linked to as "one flesh" for years and years? The same way you spit out the elephant you’ve been eating for years…one bite at a time. Okay, let’s get something straight. Becoming un-one is super hard, super sad, and will take a super long time, there’s just no getting around it.
Continue readingPretty much everyone who has ever been married or found themselves in a hard marriage or on the other side of divorce - in Christian culture - has heard someone tell them that “God hates divorce”, pulling from Malachi 2:16 (NLT) that says, “’For I hate divorce,’ says the Lord, the God of Israel.” These words are typically used as a tool to keep someone from divorcing, or sadly, to point out why someone’s life is so difficult post-divorce, as in, 'Well, what did you expect? God hates divorce…' But there's more to that verse than meets the eye.
Continue readingThere is a myth floating around in the world that time heals all wounds. That is absolute BS. Nope, it does not. The formula that works – the not so sexy not super quick formula - goes like this: Time plus intentional introspection plus GOD = healing & redemption
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