It was 36 degrees today. It felt like a whole new world. I walked more slowly, took deep breaths and closed my eyes while lifting my face towards the sun. You would have thought it was 60 degrees the way I was acting.
And then I thought back to every fall, when 50 degrees seems darn right chilly and I get all bundled up.
Or in my upstairs bedroom in my eighty-year-old house that doesn’t have a great venting system apparently.We have one of those scientific clocks that also tells us the room temperature.Probably not the best idea to have in a room that gets to 56.2 degrees on a regular basis during the winter months.Because 56.2 is freezing.It’s so cold, I shiver and my back tenses up and remains that way.
How can 36 feel like spring? And 50 feel like winter? And 56 feel like I live in an igloo without socks?
Perspective. It’s all about perspective.
What are you just coming off of?Something good?Then odds are if a bad thing comes around the bend, it just might feel worse than it really is.Just waded through a tough stretch?Whatever happens to you next is going to feel great, even if it’s just finding a dollar on the sidewalk.
But either way…good or bad…or somewhere in between…we can have a stabilizing force deep inside of us that grounds us and holds us steady.It can be 36 or 86.I can be in the middle of a circumstantial heaven or a situational hell.But as long as I’m living, as long as I’m drawing breath, as long as I’m reaching out for God, my perspective can remain the same.And that is this: I’m held…I’m known…I’m loved.
And that’s the only perspective that really matters.
i had thought about this the other day. I was finally fitting into smaller pants and felt pretty good about the effort that got me there. And it dawned on me, that when I had gained weight and was forced to puchase pants in this size, I felt fat and ashamed. It wasn’t an eating issue but a byproduct of thyroid disease, but still, I felt so fat. Yet this week, same pants, but having lost weight, I felt victory. Again, perspective. . . and God loves me either way- and HE always “fits”!