Several years ago, I went through a really rough six weeks that left me feeling full of shame, fear, anxiety and confusion. One of the ways God and I pulled myself together was reining in my thoughts by crafting my personal daily manifesto. It has evolved as things ebb and flow in my life, but it’s still a touchstone that I begin my day with every morning.

If you find yourself fluttering around with the winds of your life’s circumstances or struggling with words that other people have spoken over you, I recommend you and God design a manifesto of your own, based off of Scripture and what’s most important to you right now.

Here’s mine for some inspiration:

I am the unconditionally beloved daughter of the Father God and he is smiling over me.
I came into this world and I am starting this day already completely loved with no other loves to beg for and nothing to prove to anyone.

Because of God, I have a sound mind.
Because of God, I am capable of change.
Because of God, I always have a choice.
Because of God, everything is figureoutable.
Because of God, I can do hard things.
Because of God, I am enough.
Because of God, I am resilient.
Because of God, I am creative.
Because of God, I have been healed, I am being healed, and I will one day be completely whole.

Because my husband and children belong to God and they are each responsible for their own lives, I can let them go into His care.

God has gone into my future to prepare the way for me.

God, please help me while You help me.
God, I give everyone and everything to You.
God, please sever all unholy and unhealthy soul ties between me and every other person in my life.
God, I want everything through you.
God, please focus my heart and mind on the restoration of all things.
God, become the delight of my life.

God, I invoke the River of Life, the Resurrection of Christ, and the Love of God, and I ask for your holiness, wholeness and happiness, over my heart, mind and body, over my life, over my marriage, over each of my children, over my home, over my friends, and over my work.

And if you are looking for a community of women who will help you move deeper into your relationship with God and your own wholeness, we’d love to have you join us in WholeHearted.

P.S. IT’S A GIVEAWAY!  When I went through my long and often-brutal divorce, I promised God that as far as it was up to me, my pain would not be for nothing.  UNRAVELING: Hanging Onto Faith Through the End of a Christian Marriage was my story and one attempt at redemption. To celebrate its release 7 YEARS AGO, I’m giving a copy away! Enter the giveaway here: