Have you said or felt or thought or prayed or journaled any of the following things in the past few months:

I’m so overwhelmed.
I don’t know what to do.
What if I make the wrong decision?
What if fill-in-the-blank happens to my child?
I’m just so scared.
I don’t have enough faith.

Whether you’re a downright worrier or you simply have anxiety flare-ups, my newest e-course is for you.

Watch this for literally 60-seconds of encouragement.

If you desire tangible tools and biblical encouragement to handle your worrying in a more whole and productive way, join us in Worry & Trust starting on May 10.

In the Worry & Trust Group Coaching Experience:

We’ll tackle what it feels like when we just want to run away (and what to do about it!), that it’s okay to admit when you’re scared (no faking in this tribe!), three super practical and tangible ways to handle your worry, as well as a new way to look at all those little verses that say “do not fear”.

We’ll spend three weeks together in a private Facebook group, you’ll receive three weekly lessons, three weekly journaling exercises, three weekly webcast teachings plus Q&A, as well as daily encouragement with like-minded women wanting to trust God more deeply.

Or, you can opt for the Worry & Trust Self-Guided Experience which will include three weekly lessons and three weekly journaling assignments.

You will feel encouraged, supported, understood, not alone, and better equipped to handle all that this life throws at you (and it’s alot, right? I mean, Jesus even said, ‘In this world you will have trouble‘). It’ll be a sweet time of renewing our minds and guarding our hearts.

Hope you’ll join us!

xoxo Elisabeth