This is a continuation of a series every Friday where I will be highlighting the growth and healing of one of my readers, a new reader each week. These, my sweet ones, are their brave and vulnerable stories. Take heart…you are not alone.  -Elisabeth

2018 was a year of hard, hard things. Painful things. Life-changing things. Divisive things. Heart piercing, “my life is in pieces and I don’t know how to fit them back together” things. Things that required me to face strong and ongoing opposition (and also be blessed by some sources of tremendous support), knowing that the ground I stood on was solid and worth fighting for… but oh so painfully held. Things that sent shockwaves through my life in ways I could not have predicted or prepared myself for. A time of shedding, of standing alone, of knowing a purpose greater than appeasement, capitulation, or negotiating my value with others. And much, indeed, has been shed. Much has been recognized, named for the first time, and reckoned with. I feel a new song coming on; change is in the air.

Friend, if you are struggling, if you are hopeless, if you feel powerless to change a terrible situation that you are in, if you feel stuck with nowhere to turn, know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. More than that, know that there is a God who loves you, who sees you.

Having come to the end of this turbulent year, I am thankful to now have a love for God greater than I ever have; and as importantly, I also know God’s love for me more deeply than I ever have. That has been a most unexpected and precious gift.

Not that it’s not still hard, and not that there’s not more hard things to come, but for the first time in a long time, I can look to my future with a smile. I don’t know what it holds, but I know WHO holds the future. And that is not a fuzzy cliché to me; that is a truth I am thankful to walk in the light of and have proof of everyday. His mercies are new every morning and whatever is to come, I know that I am not alone or without hope. 2019, here I come!

Rebecca L.

If this sweet woman’s post resonated with your heart, please know that you are not alone. Here are a few resources for you:

If you would like to find out more about coaching with me, fill this out.
If you would like to join my closed Facebook group called Hope & Healing, you can find it here.
If you’d like to receive my free e s-book, You’re Going to Make It Through, you can get it here.
If you need a nudge in your healing, I would love to work with you! Join me for one of my coaching courses.
If in a difficult marriage: Surviving in a Difficult Christian Marriage is available as a PDF/e-book:
If separated/divorced: Unraveling: Hanging onto Faith through the End of a Christian Marriage is available in paperback/e-book:
If a single mom: Moving on as a Christian Single Mom is available in paperback/e-book: