This is a continuation of a series every Friday where I will be highlighting the growth and healing of one of my readers, a new reader each week. These, my sweet ones, are their brave and vulnerable stories. Take heart…you are not alone.  -Elisabeth

I remember waking up every morning feeling like every day was a nightmare, that I can’t believe this is happening. This was not a part of the plan. I am a good person. I help people. This was not my vision for my daughter. This is not the vision for my family. This is not the best for my daughter.   It’s not fair…I gave everything to him. He used me. He abused me. He was supposed to be a Christian. He is a minister. How could he do this to me? How could he do this to our daughter? I took care of him. I was loyal to him. I am a good woman. I am a good wife.

I remember praying and crying out to God to get my daughter and I out of this situation. Just make it go away, Lord. Lord, do you see this? I am still being verbally abused. Please Lord, make it stop. Just get us on the other side of this now. Then the Lord said these words to me, “My Grace is Sufficient.”

Your story is not just about the testimony or the end result of the matter. There is a testimony in your storm. There are lessons that the amazing God we serve wants us to learn in the midst of the storm or the situation. You have a purpose here on this earth and every day that you wake up and you have breath in your body is a gift from God. I have been separated from my husband for two years now and we are on the way to divorce.

I still endure verbal abuse but God’s Grace is Sufficient.
My husband is still living in adultery but His Grace is Sufficient.
My daughter misses activities and is split between two homes but His Grace is Sufficient.
We have been in a custody battle for years but His Grace is Sufficient.
The divorce process just started but His Grace is Sufficient.
My husband slandered my name and lied about me but His Grace is Sufficient.
My husband’s family stopped talking to me but His Grace is Sufficient.

I cannot tell you that it will always be easy but I can tell you the God we serve will never leave you or forsake you. He sees every one of your tears. He will bring you and your children through. Please know that He loves you and wants so much more for you. Spend time with God and find out what He wants to birth in you as a result of the trials.

So, what is my story? My husband had an affair, he gave me a STD that by the grace of God was curable. He left my daughter and me. He lives in adultery.

But today, I wake up with joy and peace. I have some bad days but I am stronger because of the storm. I am a stronger mother because of the storm. What I know for sure is that I trust God because I know he has me and my daughter. I don’t know what the end of this storm will look like but what I do know is that His Grace is Sufficient.



If this sweet woman’s post resonated with your heart, please know that you are not alone. Here are a few resources for you:

If you would like to join my closed Facebook group called Hope & Healing, you can find it here.
If you’d like to receive my free resource “Is Your Healing Halted?”, sign up here.
If you need a nudge in your healing, I would love to work with you! Join me for one of my coaching courses.
If in a difficult marriage: 
Surviving in a Difficult Christian Marriage is available as a PDF/e-book:
If separated/divorced: 
Unraveling: Hanging onto Faith through the End of a Christian Marriage is available in paperback/e-book:
If a single mom: 
Moving on as a Christian Single Mom is available in paperback/e-book: