This is a continuation of a series every Friday where I will be highlighting the growth and healing of one of my readers, a new reader each week. These, my sweet ones, are their brave and vulnerable stories. Take heart…you are not alone. -Elisabeth
God had so clearly brought this man whom I now called “fiancé” into my life. God had told me to be open to what He had for me and I was. God was clearly using this man to continue my healing in ways we couldn’t have possibly anticipated or understood. Every once in a while he would say something and it was so clearly something only God knew that it seemed like a kiss from heaven! I knew without a doubt this was the man God had prepared for me. Was this man perfect? Of course not! But I had been trained, since my destructive first marriage ended, to not only look for the red flags but to diligently heed their warnings. I kept looking for red flags and kept coming up empty-handed. There simply weren’t any.
Our church family knew we were engaged, but they didn’t know they were coming to a wedding when they came to church that Sunday in April! Our pastor announced our surprise and we came forward with the children for the short, meaningful ceremony. It was so much fun and everyone was so excited to be a part! My six children were thrilled with the turn our lives had taken and it shows on their faces in the beautiful wedding pictures taken that day. Pure joy was palpable as I listened to our music director sing a song which brought me to tears and which clearly gave the credit to God for bringing us together. We were so overcome with emotion as we obeyed that still, small voice and started this adventure together. Now, I call him “husband.”
Four months isn’t very long to be married and we both know that, but we also both know the honeymoon is far from over! I don’t think either of us anticipated how easy life together would be or how much fun! I am cherished. Not just loved, but truly cared for, listened to, and held in high esteem. I understand more fully what Paul meant when he wrote of Christ loving the church as His Bride. It’s a beautiful thing.
My first marriage was excruciatingly hard. I will spare you details, but please don’t misunderstand me. I mean h-a-r-d. I thought I was marrying one person and got another. I thought we would be in ministry together, but choices were made and paths were taken that led far from God. I thought I would be loved, but I was not. I thought my children would be safe, but they were not. Instead of standing up for Truth, I hid the pain and kept the secrets behind the closed doors of our lovely home. When I began to tell the truth, my world collapsed around me. But God…
God healed me. God made all things new. God restored what the locusts had eaten. I went into my second marriage knowing I would not be able to hide or excuse sin in the same way ever again. God gave me a new appreciation for truth. I do not bow to the altar of marriage, but instead put Jesus rightly on the throne of my life and He takes care of the rest. Marriage is no longer an idol to me. I am not sacrificing who I am or who I am meant to be. I am getting stronger, my sense of humor is coming back, I am laughing again, and I have found my voice. The glory goes to God alone!
If this sweet woman’s post resonated with your heart, please know that you are not alone. Here are a few resources for you:
If you would like to join one my private Facebook groups (difficult marriage, separated/divorced, single moms, remarried), please email me at
If in a difficult marriage: Surviving in a Difficult Christian Marriage is available as a PDF/e-book:
If separated/divorced: Unraveling: Hanging onto Faith through the End of a Christian Marriage is available in paperback/e-book:
If a single mom: Moving on as a Christian Single Mom is available in paperback/e-book:
If you need a nudge in your healing, I would love to work with you! Join me for one of my mentoring courses.
If you’d like to receive my free resource “Is Your Healing Halted?”, sign up here.