This is a continuation of a series every Friday where I will be highlighting the growth and healing of one of my readers, a new reader each week. These, my sweet ones, are their brave and vulnerable stories. Take heart…you are not alone.  -Elisabeth

“Be open to what I have for you.”  God’s words came softly, but clear.  I knew His voice, and with those eight words He really got my attention.  I wish I could say my first reaction was “Yes, Lord.”  Let’s be real.  It was more like, “Really?  I’ve got six kids at home, no source of income besides child support, I’m 47 years old, and let’s be brutally honest here…. I sag in places I didn’t even know I could!”   He waited patiently for me to finish my protests and repeated Himself once more, “Be open to what I have for you.”  This time, I said, “Yes, Lord.”

It isn’t like I hadn’t been praying for a future spouse.  I figured I would be ready for him in about ten years or so when all my children were out of the house!  I believed God would provide a man and give me the opportunity to love someone with my whole being…a second chance.  I even prayed specifically for a widower or divorced man (but divorced for a long time so I could be sure he had taken the time to work through his stuff) who didn’t have children.  You see, I was just sure that my six children would be more than anyone would want to take on.  I had looked at online dating, but it truly scared me!

So here I am in a church with one single man (not counting the over eighty crowd. Eww.), no interest in online dating, and my social life consists of maybe seeing a cute stranger in the local Wal-Mart every six months.  Wow.  Then, that voice came again one day when I was lamenting the lack of single men at church.  “How many do you need?  You only need one.”  “Haha, ok Lord, that’s true.”  I was really beginning to enjoy these little conversations.

What I was not prepared for was how quickly God moves.  Yes, I know sometimes He can seem excruciatingly slow…like 40 years in the desert and all that.  But then there are other times when the miracle comes with a word, or in this case eight words.  My heart was open.  I was ready to receive what God had for me.

There he was standing right in front of me, offering me a hug and a smile, and a Sunday morning greeting.  That one single man, because after all, how many did I need?  That man who always wanted children, but never had any and was quick to love mine with his whole heart.   The man I could barely look in the eye the first time we met because he was just that attractive and I was just that overwhelmed.

Valentine’s Day 2017 he got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife and said a lot of wonderful things, but I was smiling and crying and basically a mess just praising God for what He had done and was doing.  The wedding is quickly approaching and I couldn’t be happier.  I am so blessed and honored to be his wife.  I am so blessed and honored the God of the Universe would invite me to be open to what He has for me and walk with me every step of the way.  I am truly loved.


If this sweet woman’s post resonated with your heart, please know that you are not alone. Here are a few resources for you:

If you would like to join one my private Facebook groups (difficult marriage, separated/divorced, single moms, remarried), please send me a friend request at

If in a difficult marriage:
Surviving in a Difficult Christian Marriage is available as a PDF/e-book:

If separated/divorced:
Unraveling: Hanging onto Faith through the End of a Christian Marriage is available in paperback/e-book:

If a single mom:
Moving on as a Christian Single Mom is available as a PDF/e-book: