If you regularly read my blog, you more than likely find yourself in one of these places:

In a difficult marriage or recovering from a divorce.

My heart bleeds for women like you in these painful relational places, probably because I have been a woman just like you. And because of that, I have spent the past several years creating resources for you (books, e-books, blogs, videos, and private Facebook groups) but nothing allows me to go deeper with you on a personal level than my e-courses, MarriageMentor & DivorceMentor.

Our next session begins March 1, which means registration is going on now through Monday night, and I would love to walk beside you over the next few months to help you move forward in your healing.

Here’s what you can expect if you register for MarriageMentor or DivorceMentor:

Level I:
Weekly tip.
Weekly article.
Weekly assignment.
Plus bonus material.
$147/three months or $49/month for three months.

Level II:
Everything in Level I PLUS
Monthly webcast teaching.
Invitation to a private Facebook group for mentorees only.
$249/three months or $83/month for three months.

Level III:
Everything in Level I & II PLUS
Monthly one-on-one thirty-minute phone calls with Elisabeth plus the occasional text.
$447/three months or $149/month for three months.

And we’ve got something new this time around: A MAN’S PERSPECTIVE! My husband has offered himself to be a part of this upcoming e-course session. Each level will receive a post written by him sharing his heart on marriage and divorce, and one of the three Level III monthly phone calls will have Richard in on them to give his thoughts on your situation, if you so choose. (You do not want to miss this! Trust me, ladies…he’s been through it all…how many times have you wanted to ask a man his thoughts on something?? This is your chance.)

Sixty women just like you have experienced MarriageMentor & DivorceMentor since its inception, and this is what one sweet mentoree has to say about her experience:

I wanted to thank you for your willingness to walk beside women like me in difficult marriages and those who have experienced divorce. Your generosity of spirit and caring are a gift. God has used you as a link in my chain and I feel better off for having participated. Thank you again for your time and guidance. It is so good to speak with someone who knows and has walked this walk. –Liz

Remember, REGISTRATION CLOSES MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27 AT 9PM CST. Do not miss out on your opportunity to dive deep and move forward.