Every year now for probably a dozen years or so, I spend some time thinking back on the previous year. I do three things: I read through all of my journals from the past year, I read all of the sweet notes I have received from friends and family during the previous months, and I journal through a list of questions that I have gathered over the years.

I wish I could take credit for them, but I cannot. And I wish I could give proper credit, but I also cannot…I just know that they have come to me over the years from books and sermons and who knows where else.

So this is my New Year’s gift to you (again). Enjoy.

How is my heart toward God these days?

Who were the most stimulating people in my life (and why) this past year?

What was my most meaningful spiritual experience?

What were my most significant family moments?

What was the biggest contributor to my personal growth?

What was the biggest blunder I committed?

What caused my greatest sadness?

What was my greatest joy?

What’s going well? (Really…what can I celebrate?)

What am I trying to ignore?

How is my life working for me?

What’s boring me? (”Comfort is boredom with good PR.”)

How do I want to be remembered? (What’s the ending I want to write for my life?)

Who do I love?

Take some time with a journal, and a lit candle, and as much quiet and solitude as you can scrape together, and think and pray through these questions. You will be better for it.