Sweet ones,

It’s so hard to believe it’s already December and we’re looking at another year ending. I’m writing this as our first snow is falling, in front of our Christmas tree and a fire going in the fireplace.

It’s been another challenging and beautiful year, full of change and laughter and tears and stresses, just like every other year I’ve lived. But these things remain true for me, no matter my circumstances: I am grateful to be alive, to be married to the sweet man I’ve been given, to be mom and stepmom to five children, to live my life alongside the strongest, most precious women, to do work that I can be proud of and that I genuinely care about.945628398_c9a747bfc560ae4e

I’ve been so grateful for the work opportunities I had this year:
Speaking in Tennessee and Washington with Richard.
-Releasing my e-book, Dating After Divorce.
-Revamping my website to better serve your specific needs.
-Creating a new freebie for when you’re struggling to stay with close during your pain.
-Running sessions of MarriageMentor and DivorceMentor in the Spring and Fall, and trying out MiniMentor in October to reach even more women.
-Working on a new resource that will be released in the early Spring.
-Our private Facebook group communities have reached over 2100 women and adding more every week.

It’s been a good, good year ministry-wise and I am in awe that I am able to do this day after day, year after year.

As I do each year now, here are my top five most-read posts of 2016 for your reading pleasure and encouragement:
5. Closer
4. Unexpected Redemption
3. Stop Praying for Your Husband
2. When Your Choices Hurt Your Children
1. Will I Ever Find the Man of My Dreams?

Wishing you and your family the most peaceful, Jesus-filled holiday season your heart can take.  All of life might be up in the air for you right now, but this Truth we can plant ourselves firmly in: “Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means ‘God is with us.'” (Matthew 1:23)

(As always, Holidays for the Hurting: 25 Devotions to Help You Heal is available in paperback, Kindle and PDF to walk you through the holiday season.)

Gratefully yours,