Several months ago, I pulled the trigger on an idea that not only did I stumble into Imagesbackwards (I was trying to find a solution to a tangential problem) but I didn’t think would ever come to fruition.

I wanted to go deeper with the women I’m trying to help, but I knew that to do that, I’d probably have to try to reach fewer. An odd place to be.

MarriageMentor and DivorceMentor were borne out of a conversation with a friend and then a fifteen-minute mind dump into a Word document, where I came up with the entire plan for how to make it happen and what I wanted it all to look like.

On August 21 (which I only remember because it was the same day we were moving Sara into her college dorm), I launched these two mentoring e-courses. They went live on my website store, and I went on my way, totally focused on getting Sara settled and saying goodbye.

But throughout the day, my phone would ding, and I would see I had another email, and when all was said and done, thirteen precious women took a chance on me, and signed up to be a part of the maiden voyage of MarriageMentor and DivorceMentor.

Three months later, as I wrap up this time getting to know these sweet women, I am humbled and grateful that they let me into their lives.

Here’s what some of them had to say:

I am so glad I signed up for your program.  –AW

Thank you so much for everything. Your mentoring, books, support group, emails … All have made a huge difference in my life. I’m not stuck in pain or anger or bitterness any longer, all because you showed me there is a different and much better way to live my life. -MC

I wanted to thank you for {offering this program}. It really means a lot to me. I already feel less alone than I did a month ago. –EW

You give assignments that really make me ponder and think. And I’m very thankful for you and all you do for me. –MC

I wanted to thank you for your willingness to walk beside women like me in difficult marriages and those who have experienced divorce.  Your generosity of spirit and caring are a gift.  Thank you for the opportunity to share and for what you’ve shared.  God has used you as a link in my chain to freedom and I feel better off for having participated. Thank you again for your time and guidance.  It is so good to speak with someone who knows and has walked this walk. -LP

Perhaps the coolest thing for me though is that they pushed me along in my healing, and I’m sure they didn’t even realize they were. I realized at one point that I was asking questions of these women that I was scared to ask myself, but when I finally did, it opened the floodgates and started me back on track.  There’s also something very poignant about the privilege of hearing the intricacies of someone else’s pain but then also being able to hear of the very tangible steps of strength and healing they were each taking that gave me absolute courage to take some hard steps myself.

These women maybe thought I was helping them get unstuck, but they were pulling me out of the muck and mire right back. And I’m so grateful.

I’ll be making some tweaks but relaunching the next round of MarriageMentor and DivorceMentor to begin again in February, so make sure to sign up for my e-newsletter to get all the details early in the new year or you can check out my store page for more information now.