Final Front CoverI’m so excited to re-release World Split Open after hearing from many who didn’t get their copy the first time around.

I was told by a trusted and respected industry insider that World Split Open was, basically, too raw for the Christian market and too Jesus-y for the secular market.  (Hmmm…sounds a bit like my life.)  But I believed in the both the raw-ness and the Jesus-y-ness of the story too much to water down any of it. So it’s coming to you as is.

Here’s what some readers are saying about World Split Open:

“Too many Christian women are being crushed under the weight of their secrets that they just can’t share. World Split Open is here to free women from the lie that they are alone. Through the fictional account of Jules, we see that an imperfect life, when placed in Jesus’ hands, will be redeemed. Jules refuses to be crushed by the weight of her family’s sin and shows readers where their hope comes from in realistic and life-giving steps. This is a book about the truth, the challenges of telling the truth, living the truth and ultimately being freed by the truth.” -Erika

World Split Open has all of the authentic elements of a great story: dramatic relationships, conflict, and one woman’s quest for a whole marriage. This is not your mama’s fiction.” -Julie

“In World Split Open, Elisabeth Klein doesn’t gloss over the pain or the heartache of a difficult marriage. I appreciated that Jules isn’t completely healed by the end. She’s definitely on her way up, but she hasn’t arrived. I’m thankful Elisabeth left it slightly messy. Do we ever truly arrive at complete healing?”  -Brenda

“I loved World Split Open. It was very realistic. The ending was very unexpected, but good. I think women will be able to relate to the main character, and even though it is not a “happy ending”, I think it will reach hearts and make people think. Great story!” – a reader

You can get it here!