I gathered from the level of interest my upcoming date was getting on my Facebook writer page that people would like to hear how the date ended up going.

What I wasn’t expecting was that I’d be misconstrued a bit.

I am not saying that every one of you should have hope that you will find a good man because I found a good man to take me out on one date.

Because I don’t know if there’ll be a second date.

And, as someone pointed out, he could be faking it. (Just as we as women can be manipulative game-players as well.)

But mostly because I do not know your relational fate.  I don’t even know my relational fate, so how can I know yours?

All I was trying to get across is that, sweet girls who have been hurt by a man (or more than one), there are good men in the world. There are.

You can have hope in that.

However, your true and only Hope should be found in Christ alone to carry you through whatever sweeps into your life.  Your hope should not be pinned on finding a man.

You may.

But you may not, even if it’s what you desperately want.

I may.

I very well may not, even though I yearn for partnership and covering.

So because we do not know what tomorrow will bring in any area of our lives, including love, we walk…we wait…we pray…we can dream a bit…but where we place our Hope is in God, the only sure thing.

May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you. –Psalm 33:2-


If this post encouraged you, you would benefit from “Unraveling: Hanging onto Faith through the End of a Christian Marriage”, found here or “Living through Divorce as a Christian Woman”, found here.