So, if you follow me on Facebook, you’ll know that I went on my first first-date in twenty-three years last weekend.  Umm, this was no small thing.16

I will not go into the details of how we met, how long we’ve known each other, or if there’s another date coming.  Because what I want to share is not about any of that.

It’s about hope.

Here are a few things he said to me…

Pre-date: regarding my 23-year dating drought about to end, “I can’t believe I get to be the one.” #swoon

IMG_2842During date: to the waitress, “This is a famous author.” Me, shaking my head no. Him, taking out his phone and pulling up my Amazon page to show her. #treatsmelikeimabigdeal (#imnot)

Post-date: “You’ve got a lot of rewiring to do in your brain. You lack nothing as far as attracting a man is concerned.” #buildsmeup

Good, good words. There were others but those are between us.

So that is why this is about hope.  Because I need each one of you single women in the world to know this: there are good, good men out there.  They will say good, good words. They love God and will treat you with kindness and tenderness and respect and they will listen to you and open car doors and won’t argue with you and will want you to be you.

So don’t settle. Keep praying. Keep walking with Jesus. Keep allowing God to help you become the woman he wants you to be. There’s hope.

And if you’re lucky, you might even get to drive some man’s convertible someday. Untitled