If you are in a hard marriage or are divorced, I know you feel dead, or at least, parts of you feel dead. Damaged beyond repair. Used up. Empty. Abandoned. Finished. The opposite of whole or healed. I get that.  I totally and completely get that.  Because I felt every one of those feelings, sometimes for years, all while pretending I didn’t.

But there’s a story in Scripture that I love.  A man comes to Jesus and tells him his daughter is sick, that she is dying, and he begs Jesus to come.  But Jesus was distracted (by another story that I love, see Luke 8) and someone comes and tells the father that it’s too late, his daughter did in fact die.  Jesus told them not to fear and he went to the house of the dead girl.  And when he got there, he went into the room where the girl was, took her hand and said to her, dead as she was, “Little girl, arise.”

And she did.  Scripture says “her spirit returned”.

Sweet one who feels done and broken beyond repair and dead, you are not.  You are not done.  You are not broken beyond repair.  You are not dead until you are dead.

Jesus brought people back literally from the dead…three that I can think of off the top of my head… plus himself.  Do you hear me? Jesus actually rose actual physically dead people back to actual life.

Which means he’s got the power to actually raise you who feels emotionally and spiritually dead as well back to emotional and spiritual life.

Do you want to be made well is the question.

Listen, I get this too.  I’ve worn sadness like a cloak, as comfortable as a favorite ratty sweater.  We know what we know.  And if we’ve lived in brokenness and dysfunction for any length of time, our entire psyche wraps around that as if it is actual wholeness, but it’s not.  But brokenness is not what we were created for.

You and I, we were created for freedom. And peace. And to be blessed. And to be a blessing. And to experience and show the great, deep love and grace of God.

Do you want to be made well?  Do you want to stop living in rags?  Do you want to stop feeling dead?

You can.  It will be hard.  So hard.  It will feel uncomfortable and maybe even a bit wrong.  But just at first.  I promise you.

Ask God to return your spirit.  Ask God to make you well.  And then, sweet girl, arise.  You are not dead.

You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy. -Psalm 30:11