There are about a hundred ways you can help me let other people know about my new book but before I lay all that out, let me tell you why I am asking this.

This is not just a regular book for me.  I am hoping with everything in me that this book will help bring broken women (and men) back to life even if just a bit.  I am hoping that God uses my pain and turns it around so that someone else can realize they are not alone.  And I am hoping that I will be able to know deep down that my hard marriage and my hard divorce were not meant to simply break me down but to help lift others up.  So if you believe in redemption and if you are going through a separation or divorce or if you know someone who is (and who doesn’t know somebody who is, unfortunately?!?), this book is for you or your loved one.

And here are some ways you can help get Unraveling into the hands of the people in your life who need it:

Buy it for them here:

Read it for yourself, then leave a review on Amazon.

Recommend it to your pastor, Adult Ministry or Women’s Ministry Director, Caring Ministry Director or DivorceCare group leader.  This will help them get into the head of a person going through a divorce and be able to empathize more holistically.

Tweet about it.

Post quotes on your Facebook page about it.  (Leave a comment below if you’re interested in being on my street team by posting quotes through October.)

Like and share my Facebook author page.

Follow me on Twitter.

Subscribe to my blog.

Share my blog with a friend who is in a hurting marriage or going through a divorce.

If you know someone in a difficult Christian marriage or who is separated or divorced, invite them to join my private Facebook groups for additional support.  They can let me know they’re interested by emailing me at

Invite me to come speak at your MOPS’ group, women’s or mothers’ event or retreat, or DivorceCare group, or pass my speaking information along to the coordinators at your church.

Host a retreat in your area for divorced women and have me come out to speak. Email me for details that you can begin praying about.

Come to my book release party on Saturday, October 5 at 7pm at The Orchard in Aurora, IL, and bring a friend.  Contact me for details.

As you can see, there are many ways to support this book and the work I’m doing in reaching out to hurting women.  Please join me.