I’ve been walking with Christ for over twenty-four years. And in those years, He has shown himself to be faithful, true, and kind. Personal, intimate, gentle. Just, parental, merciful.




But I am seeing Him in new ways lately.I’m in a trial that has brought me to my knees, figuratively and literally, spiritually and emotionally, and I’m learning that trials sweep away the excess so that I can see God much more clearly.




And here’s one deep truth I’m discovering. God doesn’t just give me peace. He promises to actually be my Peace. God doesn’t just give me strength. He promises to actually be my Strength, my personal bravery, my invincible army. God doesn’t just give me wise counsel. He promises to actually be my Counselor. God doesn’t just give me light for my next step. He promises to actually be my Light. God doesn’t just give me what I need. He promises to actually be my Provider. God doesn’t just give me truth. He promises to actually be the Truth and the Way. God doesn’t just give me a life. He promises to actually be my Life. God doesn’t just give me a husband. He promises to actually be my Husband.




I am discovering these things firsthand. I am feeling these things, experiencing these things. Part of the reason why, I believe, is because I have been stripped down. I have allowed myself to sit in my brokenness, and in those moments when I don’t go to anything else (food, shopping, TV, whatever) besides God to satisfy my hunger and hurt, He goes from giving these things to being these things.




My favorite…God doesn’t just give me love.He promises to be my Love.Soaking in that today.