Went to spend time with a friend who is nursing a broken heart as we speak. It was two and a half hours of crying, talking, praying, walking, laughing and eating brownies and ice cream. Hell-o…that’s how girls roll.
It was one of those really hard and yet simultaneously seamless things.I didn’t want to do it.Not, I didn’t want to spend time with her…I just didn’t want to have to be spending time with her today because of what was going on with her.But today we did what friends do.
Now, I love the fun moments with my girlfriends. I love laughing until tears roll down my cheeks, laughing until I think I can’t stand it anymore and I forget whatever hard thing is in my life at the moment.
But I love the hard times too. I love being a friend in a hard time. Not that I love having my friends go through hard things, but there’s something that just plunges two people down deeper and closer when they have to hold on for dear life. When hands are intertwined and tears are coming and words are prayed…or sometimes sighs are prayed when there are no words…
I have good friends. Rephrase: I have been given simply amazing, life-changing, heart-taking-care-of, soul-tending, leaning-on-me while I-lean-on-them-right-back friends. I love them.And I love my life so much more because of them.Because of the emails.The texts.The Facebook comments.The inside jokes.The laughter.
Oh, but I love them so much more because I have cried in front of each one of them and I have held each one of their hands at some point and I have prayed with and been prayed for and I know that I know that I am loved for who I am by beautiful, precious women.
Today was a reminder that one of the points of this life is to be tangible reminders to each other of what matters in life.Friends matter.Life matters.Death matters.Grieving matters.Healing matters.Love matters.Jesus matters.That’s what today was for me, and I hope it’s what it was for my friend.